lundi 6 mai 2013

Professor Jonathan's French Letter from Paris

Professor Jonathan's French Letter from Paris


Professor Jonathan:




Dear Bolus Readers:

As part of my ongoing efforts to initiate you into the finer points of French culture, I've decided to offer a small language lesson, starting with one of the most typical (and for me at this moment) most appropriate of French expressions: Être dans la merde.*

*The funny-looking little ^ on the top of the ‘E’ signifies “This Side Up” in French). 

I’m confident that even guys like you (or should I say, as I get to know you better: especially guys like you) will immediately and instinctively recognize the elegance, Spartan simplicity and power of these four little words, which I shall now translate to the best of my ability, which I assure you, is considerable.  Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?"

